International is online stalk of grain only: According to England " daily Post " reported on May 1, dominick Sitelaosi of the presid the most popular selling plantronic wireless headset ent b free plantronic wireless headset efore international Monetary Fund - card favour (Dominique Strauss-Kahn) alleges, to him, it is very normal to have sex to on one night and 6 different women in orgiastic clique. He admits he is a profligate person, but he denies the hooter identity that knows these women before.
Of newest exposure case trial record showed March, the judge ever asked calorie of favour: "You remember accompanying your woman number, age and action, but is insisting to say not to know them however a hooter? " card favour answer says: "I remember having 6 girls and my pass the night in all most popular selling loony tunes golden , but this is much to calculating for me. The female that majority and I produce an impact is 20 years old are controlled. The female that majority and I produce an impact is 20 years old are controlled..
Ka Encheng admits to ever att the most popular loony tunes golden ended orgiastic clique to be opposite in France and Belgium, but he calls those the woman is nake, accordingly he does not know whether these people are a hooter. His lawyer also says: "Be opposite in these cliques on, people does not wear the dress. What can you tell me naked hooter and other nude to the woman has to distinguish? What can you tell me naked hooter and other nude to the woman has to distinguish??
brass faucetIt is reported, on May 14, 2011, card favour is alled alone in new York by accusation sex of phenanthrene spy restaurant invades air hostess Diyaluo, subsequently Ka Enci went the post of president of international Monetary Fund, accept investigation trial. Because Diyaluo's reliability suffers doubt, all criminal that new York supreme court will announce cancel to be encroached to blocking favour sex last year in August accuses. Card favour is accused to participate in pornographic network to run at present, be suspected of " pimp " , and know the Er in French north (a few companies of Lille) buy sheet for prostitute of its go whoring with con income fund. (Li Jinliang)
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